
  • EnFuse 2018
    • Internet of Things Forensics PDF
  • EnFuse 2017
    • IOT Forensics PDF
  • EnFuse 2016
    • IOT Forensics PDF
  • CEIC 2013
Academic Computer/Digital Forensic Jobs Anti-Forensic Tools
  • Date/Time Manipulation
    • TimeStomp.exe - A tool developed by James C. Foster and Vincent Liu to manipulate MACE values on an NTFS volume. has more details on the history and capability of the tool.
    • Setmace.exe (http://reboot DOT pro/files/download/91-setmace/) - A tool developed by joakim that will modify both the Standard Information and File Name Attributes on a NTFS volume.
  • Slacker.exe - A tool developed by James C. Foster and Vincent Liu to hide data in the slackspace of files on an NTFS volume. has more details on the history and capability of the tool.
Partitioning Scheme Analysis Champlain College Digital Forensic Class Files FOR270 - Anti-Forensics/Network Forensics Malware  

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